Sunday, June 17, 2012

Us having fun on our Fathers day fishing trip!

No pics of me because I was the one taking them.  But I did catch two fish!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Logan is getting so big!

Logan has been looking at his toys on his bouncer the past few days.  When he was born he didn't really fit in it right so it was annoying to put him in it.  Now he fits it really good.  He reaches kinda for the toys on it.

I feel like the time is flying by.  I still feel like he was born this morning.  I know the first year fly's by!

Seeing Logan reminds Jesse and I about Ian when he was a baby.  It is way AMAZING to see his little brother growing up just like him.  

Logan's First Day Of Life!

He was so tiny, but such a bundle of joy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A day in our life

So on Sunday June 10th my hubby and I spent the whole day shopping.  Well we were looking at new carpet and paint.  We found the right carpet we want, and the colors we would like to do.

The carpet is similar to what we have know, and the paint is white for the main part of the house, and tan in our room , and Ian's room will be light blue.

We are in the process of Decorating our home.  We are at the point where we want to make things look the way we want them instead of just dealing with what we get.  I know that we are only renting in this house but  we do not plan on moving anytime soon.  So we want to make it more homey....

Here is a list of everything we have gotten so far
Cutting board
Kitchen Tools
Cookie sheet
Cake pan

So you can see we are starting in the Kitchen.

We found this 60 inch plasma tv for the living room.  We are not going to get it for a few weeks, because we need to save up.

Things for us right now are going really well.

The thing I would like right know is a new Camera.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Labor & Delivery with our Second son

So I am sitting in front of my bedroom window and it is poor-ring rain.  The lake weather has not been as good as it was last year.  We have only been able to go outside and play for 2 days now this past moth.  Now on the weather channel it says its suppose to snow tomorrow?  Where is SUMMER?  

Logan was born on April 18, 2012.  As some of you already knew.  This labor was the most amazing things ever.  I was really excited and new that I was in REALLY labor on April 17th.  The pain was not going away and just kept getting worse.  I was having contractions all day about a 5 min apart.  All day I was at my Hubby's office in town so that I could go see me doctor.  It was just a check up but turned out to be in labor.  They told me I was 4cm and 80% effaced, but told me to go back home until my water broke or the contractions got to hard to handle.  By the time I left the Doctor I knew it was time to go over to the Labor and Delivery.  When I got there they checked me and I was 4 1/2 or 5 cm, and so they made me walk for 45 min.  This was the most amazing thing ever.  I knew I was going to have our baby boy that night and was so happy.  If I had stopped walking it made the contractions hurt more, but while walking it made them feel a little better.  I was holding my belly the whole time.  I was so afraid that my water would break before my Hubby could get there.
Once they put me back in the bed the pain got really bad!  And my hubby was there with me now.  He was holding my hand and kept telling me I was doing good, and he kept reminding me to breath....
He was my rock!

They checked me and now I was a 6cm so I was told I was in LABOR!

So everything started to go by real fast now.  I was only 36 weeks 4 days, so all the fear was there.  The excitement for having another little one was there.

My contractions were lasting up to 2 min, and every min apart.  So they decided I could have my epidural.  Once I got it I felt a lot better.  Although my left side did not go numb.  I had to have another shot in it.  Once it was all numb, I was relaxed and resting.  My husband was going to get something to eat because we were told it would be a while before I could push.  He was gone 5 in when they checked me, because all of a sudden I got really nauseated.  When she moved my legs over, she said, Don't sneeze.   He's right there.

So I called my husband who's phone had no signal! Great!!!

My Doctor Amanda, came in and said she would grab him.  She had just passed him.  So by the time he got into the room I was getting ready for a practice push.  So count that as push #1.  I pushed a second time.  Then before the 3rd push he was asked if he would like to touch his head.  Before he could put his glove on all the way Logan was born at 12:14 am.  He was put on my chest, and was SCREAMING.  That was music to both of our ears.  Daddy got to cut his cord!!! YAY...

Logan Russel Zimmerman was 5.9 pounds, and 17 1/2 inches long
Full head of light blonde hair. 

We were so Happy!