Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My INSANITY workout journey Day 2

So today I was a little dissapointed in myself because I wanted to push.  I know this program is not going to be a walk in the park.  Why else would it be called INSANITY!  Right!

Well I had to stop several times during the WARM UP....THE FREAKING WARM UP!
Today really showed my just how out of shape I really am.  If I was in any kind of good shape the warm up would be do able.

I sometimes have to really take deep breaths because my throat gets this pain in the right side.  Like I ran a mile or something.  I have to drink a super lot of water.  Which I know is good, but I do not want to make myself sick.  So far so good.

I am sweating my butt off and I love it. I felt muscles I never used before when I woke up, and sat up to get out of bed.  TO me that tells me that I am doing something right....Right?

I am going to be doing short videos after every workout to let you all know my honest opinion on the program.  And so far I am giving it an A+.

Monday, July 30, 2012

My INSANITY workout Journey Day 1

So I was doing some research and I came across the INSANITY workout.  I also saw it on TV.
Well I looked into it and it seems that this is an AWESOME workout.  So I ordered it.  

I am starting today with my fit test.  This is a very intense 60 routine.  

My measurements are

Weight- 121
Waist- 36 1/2
Thigh- 22
Arms- 12

I just got done doing the first fit test. And my legs feel like noodles, and my arms are shaky.  I have to say this is definitively going to me INSANE.

I am dedicated and going to push myself to my limit.  I want to get the best results I know I can get.  I have a great support system here at home, and my boys push me to do my best.

Here are my results for the first Fit Test

  1. Switch Kicks-96
  2. Power Jacks-20
  3. Power Knees-61
  4. Power Jumps-12
  5. Globe Jumps-4
  6. Suicide Jumps-6
  7. Push up Jacks-6
  8. Low Plank Oblique-12
My goal is to try my hardest to double this in two weeks.
Please comment below, all positive feedback is welcome!

Please Follow my INSANITY workout journey, and I will follow yours!

Let's stick together and motivate more people to get INSANITY and go INSANE!

1st Day Pictures

Monday, July 16, 2012

Changes are comin

Sorry for it being so long in between posts.  There has been a lot of things going on right now so I haven't had any time to post new blogs.  But now I am sitting on our couch while my hubby plays his xbox and Logan is sleeping and Ian to.  The day has been so long because I was cleaning like crazy so when my Grandma and Grandpa get here tomorrow morning for seeing Ian the first time for 2 years!  I hope that they have a wonderful time here.

We have been doing great with each other and the boys have been smiling and playing with each other.  This is the best thing that brothers can do.  It puts a smile on my face to when they do it.  Its so cute.  Ian cannot wait for Logan to be big enough to play with him, besides laying on his back and kicking his face with his little wii feet.  I wish I caught a picture of it but when I opened my phone Logan was ready to eat again.  But please me happy at all the other pictures I have of these boys.  I can tell you all that having nothing but boys is the most AMAZING thing I have in my life.

I know that Jesse and I do not have a lot of time alone, except when the boys are asleep at the same time...  But please know that we are doing really great.  We love all the time we have with our little family and wouldn't change things at all.  We go fishing and shopping all the time together.  Also a lot of rides down he mountain to town to just walk around and window shop.  This is what we really love to do when we get bored of sitting at home.

I have been trying to get Logan's 3 month update up, but I have been so stressed and so busy I am still working on it.  I really have not had time to post on here as well.  But I am trying to make time is saving small posts here and there about what is going on in our lives.

So we have purchased a Brand new 73" lcd tv.  Also an entertainment center for it.  It is really nice to be able to start to furnish our house with new furniture.  In addition to our Tv we have gotten a couch.  This is not new but it is in very good condition.  

We finally got Ian in his own room.  And it is working out greatly for him and us as well.  We loved sharing a room with him but he is 5 and with having the baby in there as well it was a little crowded.  Also daddy and I needed some privacy.  Ian is at the age that he needs to be independent and learn that as well.  He has his own tv and entertainment center for it and his games.  We put his toys in there as well so now he is all set.  

We still need to paint the house and replace the carpet but for now it is more homey than it has been.

I am currently working on my crochet projects.  I am making earrings and purses.  I am trying to get enough together to go to a craft fair.  This is my goal...

Jesse is enjoying the tv and the game play he is getting on it.  We are definitively enjoying family movie night and watching our shows on it as well.

The weather here has been so nice, but I have not once gotten down to the lake to swim.  We have been going fishing a lot and I have not had the time to go.  I am trying to plan something really soon.

Well I hope that things keep looking up for us!