Sunday, February 26, 2012


I am trying to spruce up my profile a bit...Have any ideas or links to graphics?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Baby Shower and blogging

So I am a little over 7 months along and I am planning my baby shower.  I want to plan it in enough time to get everything we need by the time Logan is here in May.
I am going to have it in March.  I am still working on a date, and all the things that go into a shower.
My Aunt is actually helping me throw it.  I didn't want to do it by myself so I asked her to help me.

I am thinking about having it a Baby Monkey theme.  I am really attracted to it with him.
My 5 year old's baby shower was really small.  And I really didn't have anyone or anything there.

I actually have people to invite this year so I would like to do something more formal to a baby shower....

So I am getting so big now.  Well I think, some think I am small.  My Husband for the longest time thought I wasn't even really pregnant.  If it wasn't for the ultrasound and the Doppler we have he wouldn't of guessed.  Which I guess in some cases is a good thing.  It deff took me longer to show with this one then it did with my first son.  I was always told I would show faster but oh well...He is making his presence known here now.
I am going crazy going to all kinds of thrift stores and discount stores getting clothes for him.  I was really anal about having everything new with my first, and now knowing the cost of everything I really could care less as long as they are in descent condition.  I am sure most moms feel the same way.  They grow out of them so fast it really doesn't matter.  I have had a lot of friends have babies but mostly girls so we cant get hand me downs really.  Which is ok.

We are still working on a middle name for him but so far we have Logan Zimmerman.  Not sure what to put in the middle there, but I am sure it will come to us sooner than later.  My hubby picked Logan, and I love it as well..  I think it goes with Ian......Which is our 5 year old.

Ian starts school this August so it will be nice to have another little one running around while he is at school all day.  It would of been really lonely here for me while the hubby is at work.  We are so excited about Ian starting school, and cannot wait for him to start making friends he can have over and hangout with.  We are really looking forward to his birthday this year.  There will be more than just cousins there lol.... We love our family just wish Ian had actual friends.  There are some kids in the neighborhood but we live on a mountain, so none of them come out in Winter....

So I am trying to get everything ready for Logan's arrival and Ian starting school.  Which isn't a lot right now, but I am sure that when Logan is here and its time to get Ian really ready I will be scrambling.

I am nervous to have him bullied at school for some reason.  He is just a really sweet and loving boy.  He doesn't like to be rough or mean at all.  I just don't know how it will play out when he gets there you know.  I told my hubby I will ball my eyes out when he starts school.  I had an attack the first night he was in his own room.  Was checking on him like every hour.  He was totally fine and sleeping, but I was scared lol.

Well That is enough for now, I didn't want to make this post to long but needed to blog something.  Talk to you all soon.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A day in the life of the Zimmerman's

Well woke up early this morning when my Hubby went to work.  I actually stayed up because Ian didn't want to sleep in very long after daddy left...Little Poo...

So I got up and started working, although today is kinda a blah day.  It is really quiet in the house. The Family has gone into town for the day and it is just Ian and I.  I am not going to deny it but I miss when it was just us.  We all get along better.  I love having the family here but miss our own little family...

Ian is in his own little world today.  He has his cars out driving all over the furniture.  I love it...

I have done the dishes and I have started the laundry.  I am basically just relaxing and crocheting right now.  The baby is kicking like crazy and the fire is burning.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

27 weeks with baby Logan

So I am currently 27 weeks and 5 days.  In my second trimester.  I have 87 more days to go.  Which when you think about it is not very long at all.  Before I know it I am going to be going to the doctor like every week.  Which is very exciting!
The information I have on my phone app says that Logan should be 14.5 in, or the size of a cauliflower.  He should weight 2lb.  Our little pnut is growing so quickly now.  It feels like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant.
It says that this week our baby looks like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what he will look like at birth, but in the next few weeks more fat will fill out his appearance.  The baby's immune system is continuing to mature as are our baby's lungs which are still practicing breathing amniotic fluid.
So next week I start my third trimester.  This pregnancy has deff been different from Ian's.  I have had all the natural symptoms and more.  I really feel pregnant this time.  Also it took longer for my belly to pop with this one.  I could of hid my pregnancy for a long time if I wanted to.  Now in all my glory my stomach is out there in everything I wear.

I am getting nervous about the Hospital stay.  With Ian I was sent from my Ob to the Labor and Delivery.  And 9 short hours later he was born.  With him it was a stressful labor.  I did have an epidural towards the very end because the pain was just to much for me.  They had me on oxygen and fluids the whole time.  Which they said was normal for everyone.  But see I was only suppose to push for 2 hours.  Ian's nose was having a hard time passing my pelvic bone so my doc decided to try the vacuum method.  We tried 3 times and it kept releasing from his head.  I did have to get cut to allow for more room for him to come out.  Which sucked!!!!!!  The doc was re-thinking about sending me for an emergency c-section, and by the time he had decided he wanted to, it was to late.  Ian would of been with out air for WAY to long.  We were pushing it when he decided to have me push for 3 hours.  Once Ian was born I didn't event get to see him.  He was so white he blended in with the towel.  He wasn't breathing and they had to intebate him.  He was in the NICU for 8 days.  Had a blood transfusion, and tons of meds.  He had Marconi-um.  Which is where they swallow their poop, and it causes a really bad infection.  He is absolutely fine now....

This is the part that scares me.  The actual pushing.  Because if I don't get this little one out in time, we do not want this to happen again.  So my Husband and I have been talking about just having a c-section.  I do not want it, but might have to just to be safe.

I have another check up next week, and we are discussing what my options and what my outcome of those options will be.  I will keep you all updated.  Please keep your prayers with us...

Some of the weird symptoms I have been having are CRAZY nightmares.  These are so realistic is makes me wake up crying.  I am not going to get into detail but just so you know.  They are pretty bad. My husband thinks its just me being over reactive.  But I keep telling him I hope you have one of the nightmares I have had, and then we will see if I am just being over reactive.  He laughs at me, but comforts me to.
He is very good through all the pregnancy symptoms.  He is dealing well...

Baby Logan Moving in mommies tummy!

I finally was able to get him on camera.  The lighting might not be so good because its through my computer.  We were laying in bed and my Husband was sick so he is sleeping next to me.  I was crocheting and he just would not stop.  I want to get it again now, because it feels and looks like he is doing flips in my tummy.  I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!!!